Infrequent Influxes of Inspiration

Graceful GWT Degradation

The ColumnText wraps long lines of text into columns, like you'd see in a newspaper. This exact feature is specified into CSS3, but since not that many browsers support it yet, you can't rely on it for all visitors. This can, however, be done with JavaScript, but the calculations are relatively slow. Therefore, it would be smart to let the browser do the work if it can, and only help with JavaScript, if the browser can't do it by itself.

After a challenge from both Jouni and Marc, I have converted the ColumnText component into an example on this mechanic. Providing a optimized widgetset, depending on the visitor's browser. You can follow the code I've written, which this guide travels through, on GitHub.

I have split this task into two: deferred binding, and conditional CSS.

Deferred Binding

Deferred binding is a technique in GWT that tries to make up for lack of dynamic binding, or dynamic classloading, in GWT. Although you can do a lot with this feature, the reason for me was to be able to alter the widget's behavior, depending on who the widget is served to.


It all starts from the widgetset's .gwt.xml file:

<replace-with class="com.github.wolfie.columntext.client.ui.VColumnTextJS">
    <when-type-is class="com.github.wolfie.columntext.client.ui.VColumnTextJS"/>

<replace-with class="com.github.wolfie.columntext.client.ui.VColumnTextCSS">
    <when-type-is class="com.github.wolfie.columntext.client.ui.VColumnTextJS"/>
        <when-property-is name="user.agent" value="gecko"/>
        <when-property-is name="user.agent" value="gecko1_8"/>
        <when-property-is name="user.agent" value="safari"/>

This tells GWT that whenever we want to initialize a class of type VColumnTextJS, there's two things that can happen: if the visitor has a browser that is identified by GWT as gecko, gecko1_8 (these mean basically any modern Mozilla rendering engine) or safari (actually WebKit, including Chrome), instead of initializing a VColumnTextJS, initialize a VColumnTextCSS instead. For the rest of the browsers, just use VColumnTextJS.

Technically, GWT creates different sets of the widgetset. One containing VColumnTextCSS, the other containing VColumnTextJS. Neither contain both. By this, I make the widgetset as small as possible, performing as fast as possible, depending on the browser's capabilities.

Not Created As New

But, it would be way too easy if this would work just like that. GWT has this curious little method called GWT.create(). Deferred binding works only when instantiating objects via this method. Since Vaadin doesn't seem to use that to instantiate the client-side widgets, you can't have just two classes. Unfortunately you need a third, proxy, class. VColumnText does this for me.

The proxy class' function only to act as a delegate to the real widget. It's a Composite that creates the object according to the rules in .gwt.xml, and initializes itself with it. The constructor is simply:

public VColumnText() {
  containedWidget = GWT.create(VColumnTextJS.class);

As you see, I ask GWT to create a VColumnTextJS for me at this stage, and put that as the base for the Composite. Since we defined the deferred binding in the .gwt.xml earlier, and we are calling GWT.create() we get create either a VColumnTextJS or a VColumnTextCSS, depending on the browser asking for it.

The One And Only Chore

Next, the proxy needs to forward the updateFromUIDL() call to the delegated widget. One very important note: only the proxy may execute updateComponent() inside updateFromUIDL(). The method should be:

public void updateFromUIDL(final UIDL uidl, final ApplicationConnection client) {
  if (client.updateComponent(this, uidl, true)) {
  containedWidget.updateFromUIDL(uidl, client);

The containedWidget (in my case, either a VColumnTextJS or a VColumnTextCSS) must not do the updateComponent() call. This turned to be important.

A Nicety

You might also notice the generics I used. The proxy class' signature is:

public class VColumnText<T extends Widget & Paintable> extends Composite
    implements Paintable

Although this is a bit of abuse of the generics, since the class itself isn't bound to any type of T, it makes my code a bit cleaner. To clarify, T is both a Widget and a Paintable. This allows me avoid ugly casting on containedWidget. Since both VColumnTextCSS and VColumnTextJS indeed are of type T, containedWidget is accepted as-is as an argument for initWidget(), updateFromUIDL() and updateWidget().

Perhaps a less hack-y way would be to create an abstract class, extending Composite and implementing Paintable, but this way I spared me with yet another class. Read on, and you'll se why I have classes aplenty as it is.

Conditional CSS

Now that I have two different widgets doing the same thing, just in different ways, I wanted them to have different CSS too. This way, I'm once again able to send the minimal amount of CSS needed over the wire.

After I read a long time the confusing documentation about conditional CSS, I realized that this wasn't your average CSS file, but a whole new concept called CssResource, and you just didn't simply include it somewhere. No, there's classes, a twisted kind of dependency injection and CSS compiling involved.

The idea behind conditional CSS, or actually CssResource, is that it is minimized and obfuscated by GWT, just like the JavaScript is minimized and obfuscated. Since you can do stuff not supported by the CSS standards, they can't be served as-is, leading to that you can't just include the file you wrote. It's compiled and embedded into the widgetset, and active automatically.

Step Zero: GWT XML

Before you do anything, you need to write something into your .gwt.xml to get the conditional CSS working:

<inherits name="" />

Don't know exactly what that's good for. The documentation said so.

Step One: Interface

So, I'll try to explain how this all goes.

You start with a CSS file that is written with a superset of the standard CSS. In my instance, I used conditionals to render different CSS rules for different browsers. This is then put somewhere in your project. To start using this file, you need to create a CssResource interface. I called mine CSS. The main use for me for this class was to be able to refer to the obfuscated class names.

So, for example, I have a .v-columntext CSS class defined in the original file. To be able to give those CSS rules to a Widget with setStyleName(), I defined a method in the interface:

String className();

So, the method CSS.className() would return the obfuscated class name that originally was v-columntext. Alas, since the CssResource is just an interface, it won't suffice.

Step Two: Interface

We need a ClientBundle. It is kind of a mashed-up bundle that GWT has made into a big blob of stuff. It's not meant to be tampered with after it's packaged, since it's integrated with your widgetset. A ClientBundle can contain a lot of things, but it served me just one purpose: Provide me with my CssResource.

For this, we create once more an interface. For me, it's the ColumnTextResources interface. It has only one method, and it returns an instance of CSS.

Step Three: Create Magic

Since the ColumnTextResources is also just an interface, we can't call it directly, either. So, inside the interface is a bit of magic:

public static final ColumnTextResources INSTANCE = 

This makes GWT magically create an object out of an interface. "Why didn't you just create a magic instance of CSS?" I hear you asking. And the answer is: GWT is a sneaky little bastard. Even if the JavaDoc of the create() method clearly forbids its use on interfaces, it bends the rules here, and just does that. So, it works on a ClientBundle, not on a CssResource. It must be because the location of the original CSS file is defined inside ClientBundle, not in CssResource.

Don't ask me why, but we need all these magic interfaces, and there's no way around it.

Step Four: Use Magic

By this time, you have all your CSS included into the widgetset. Now you just need to give your widgets the proper CSS class names. After all these interfaces have been made, I can now do this:

private static final CSS css = ColumnTextResources.INSTANCE.css();

public VColumnTextJS() {

The instance of CSS is retrieved from the ColumnTextResources's magic instance, called INSTANCE. From the CSS, we can get, as if by magic, the obfuscated class name for the widget itself.

Step Oh-I-Almost-Forgot: Make Sure Magic Is Switched On

You need to make sure that all the magics are done. To do this, you need to call ensureInjected() on any and all CssResources. GWT's documentation suggests that this needs to be done in a GWT module's onModuleLoad() method. Unfortunately for us, in vaadin, that is located in DefaultWidgetSet. We don't want to mess with this, since Vaadin 6.2 was all about this. Fortunately, though, it seems to be enough to call that method in the static block of a class that needs the CssResource.

So, in both of my widget implementations, I have:

private static final CSS css = ColumnTextResources.INSTANCE.css();

static {


All this compilation and obfuscation means that you can't use this if you mean to let end-users override your CSS. This is a huge bummer, considering the way themeing is supported with Vaadin.

If you are going to use the -moz and -webkit special CSS rules, note that GWT doesn't like them very much, for some strange reason. You must write \-moz or \-webkit instead. Otherwise, the CSS compilation will fail, and they will not be included into the widgetset.

Also looking at the cumbersomeness of the magic interfaces and somewhat awkward of referencing to the various class names, I'd say this doesn't pay much off in simple widgets. I can see the benefits in some special cases, where you know you don't want to allow the user to touch some CSS-settings in your widget. These cases are very rare, though.

My recommendation is to stick with plain ol' CSS files, inheriting them in the .gwt.xml file.

In Conclusion

To provide two different versions of the same widget and CSS, I now have five class/interface files and a fair amount of markup in the .gwt.xml, instead of just one class and one default line in the .gwt.xml, had I catered just one version for everyone.

The proxy class could be gotten rid of if Vaadin would always create the client-side widgets with the GWT.create() method. Also, the conditional css accounted for two of the interfaces and a lot of code-oddity, which to me doesn't sound like a good trade-off.

All this makes me think that individual widget-makers aren't really the focus group of these features. I'd say that Vaadin would have considerable performance gains in splitting their widgets this way.

But don't touch the ClientBundle unless you know what you're doing. While it might feel less magic once you get to know it, nobody will be able to theme your component, if you do it this way. But if do want to use it, now you have a better start at it than I had.

If you want to give the component a try, it's up at There's also a thread about the component on Vaadin's forums. You're welcome to comment the article itself below.

Words: 2053

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